A website is important in the digital era because it is a way for businesses to have an online presence. It is a way to reach out to potential customers and let them know what you have to offer. It is also a way to keep in touch with existing customers and keep them updated on new products and services.

There are many types of websites, each with a different purpose.

 The most common types are listed below:

  1. Static websites A static website is one that contains web pages with fixed content. Each page is coded in HTML and displays the same information to every visitor. Static websites are the most basic type of website and are the easiest to create.
  2. Dynamic websites A dynamic website is one that contains web pages with content that can change based on the user’s input. A dynamic website uses a database to store information and can be more complex to create than a static website.
  3. E-commerce websites An e-commerce website is one that allows users to buy and sell products or services online. E-commerce websites are typically dynamic websites that use a database to store information about products and customers.
  4. Informational websites An informational website is one that provides information about a particular topic or subject. Informational websites can be static or dynamic but are typically static because the content does not need to be updated frequently.
  5. Portal websites A portal website is one that provides access to other websites or services. Portal websites are typically dynamic and use a database to store information about the websites or services they provide access to.

A landing page is a web page that allows a user to land on it after clicking on a link. It is usually the first page that a user sees when they visit a website.


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